Dear friends,
As we soak in the dog days of Summer, there are lots of exciting things happening on the corner of 6th and Orchard. Be sure to catch up on the latest information about life at FCC below, and I look forward to seeing you this Sunday at the block party!
With love,
Pastor Doug
Celebrating 6th & Orchard Block Party: This Sunday from 2-5
Join us this Sunday from 2-5 for our first annual 6th and Orchard Block Party - a time to celebrate the community God is forming through the Tiny House Village, the Center for Spirituality & the Arts, and the congregation of FCC Tacoma. Stop by and enjoy live music from our artists and choir, participate in a community mural project curated by our own resident muralist, Mindy Barker, enjoy free food, and get to know your neighbors! All are welcome.
Transition to Mask-Optional Sunday Worship
As our Reconvening Committee continues to meet and discern current data on COVID in Pierce County, the decision has been made to transition our mask policy for Sunday morning worship. Starting this Sunday (August 21), masks will be optional for all worshippers. As it is clear the spread of COVID is far from over, we are keenly aware of the risk present to ourselves and our neighbors, even for those who have been vaccinated and boosted. In this next stage of mask protocol, we encourage those who remain especially vulnerable or are in contact with others who are unvaccinated or otherwise have vulnerable immune systems to consider continuing the use of masks while indoors.
New Carpet Coming to a Sanctuary Near You
We are excited to share that the new flooring in the narthex and sanctuary will be installed the week of August 29 in time for worship on Sunday, September 4th! We will need as much help as possible moving furniture out of the sanctuary after worship on August 28th and moving things back on Saturday, Sept. 3rd from 1-4pm. If you're available and comfortable with helping move heavy items, please reach out to Cassie at Cassie@fcctacoma.org and let us know you plan to help. Many hands make light work - thank you in advance!
As we anticipated, the new sanctuary chairs are still several weeks out from delivery, but in the meantime, we will enjoy our newly-shortened pews along with some other comfortable seating, starting Sunday, Sept. 4th. Thank you to our staff and volunteers who have helped and who will help us make this transition a success. We can't wait to have this project finished for a safer, tidier and more versatile worship space that will enable us to continue to be a place for creative, life-giving worship and artistic expression for generations to come.
Celebrating the Baptismal Reaffirmation of Laura Lucinda Riccholt: August 28
Last but certainly not least, don't miss witnessing and celebrating the baptismal reaffirmation of our own Laura Lucinda Riccholt on Sunday, August 28th during worship. We invite you to help us give Laura a hearty welcome and congratulations by showering her with cards and notes of love. We don't "require" anyone to be baptized in order to be considered a part of the community, but it is no less significant in Laura's and our lives of faith as we witness the work of the Spirit in her, and in all of us. Let us continue to thank God for the blessing of baptism and for all the ways that being in community makes tangible the liberating ways of God's love.
Among our Joys
We give thanks for the community God is forming on 6th and Orchard - and for the community we are called to make with new friends we meet on the journey. May our prayer be a "yes" to those Spirit nudges that call us to reach out to those we meet on life's journey.
Among our Concerns
We add to our prayers Larry Mosher who is recovering from a particularly troublesome medical complication. He continues to be cared for at a skilled nursing facility here in Tacoma. Please also keep in your prayers Larry's spouse, Susie Mosher.
We also add to our prayers Mark Housman who was recently hospitalized this morning (Friday, August 19th) due to complications with an infection in his hand.
September Petersen
Charlene Housman
Steve Johnson
Bear, Melanie Peabody's partner
Daniel Davis, friend of Susan Pearson
Rachel Morford, daughter of Mary Morford
We pray for our homebound friends, Helen Bosley, Elaine Jonson, Harry and Margaret Lobberegt, Jane Nelson, Marylu and Joseph Mills and Jim and Kay Thompson.
Among our local and global community concerns:
In the midst of the spread of monkeypox across the United States and world, we lift up those recovering and those who remain especially vulnerable to infection. Monkeypox is not solely transmitted sexually, but the uptick in stigma and hate-mongering primarily towards men who have sex with men is a sin for which we are called to repent and work to eradicate. We pray for the mitigation of misinformation about the disease, for support and solidarity with those who are suffering, and for equitable distribution of vaccine and other preventative measures and treatment.
We pray for all who are living currently at the village on 6th and Orchard; pray for peace in the midst of the many circumstances in which those experiencing houselessness endure. We also pray for a renewed sense of urgency in our city, neighborhood, and congregation in our work to secure housing as a right for all human beings.
This week, we lift up our Global Ministries partners in Lebanon.
If you'd like to share a prayer joy or concern, please contact Pastor Doug at doug@fcctacoma.org or by calling the church office. Please indicate whether your prayer is to be shared publicly, or if you'd like it to be kept private.