Dear friends,
At this Sunday’s Congregational Meeting, we celebrated all the work of this year’s leaders including our faithful Moderator, Tom Moore, who will complete three years of service in this role in December. As a gift of gratitude, we presented to him a photo of the Tiny House Village, taken by Cassie Tripp, as a reminder of the key role he played in making this vital ministerial partnership a reality. We also voted on the 2022 slate of officers and our congregational budget for the coming year. As I stated in Sunday’s sermon and again at our meeting that afternoon, I do believe God equips God’s people for whatever it is God is calling them to do. God has indeed equipped us with the talents, experience, and skills of MANY among us. So this week, as we peer into next year and celebrate all we have been able to accomplish with God’s help thus far, I invite you to lift up a prayer of gratitude for our current Board and officers as they finish their terms, and for all who will serve in 2022 and beyond:
Current Officers:
Executive Officers: Tom Moore, Alison Unterreiner, Carolyn Bustamante, & Pat Riley
Financial Secretaries: Joyce Tober & Vicky Carlson
Trustees: Chuck Blaisdell*, Steve Johnson, Anita Thompson, Jim Treece & John Unterreiner
Elders: Jan Riley, Jeanette Sanchez-Izenman, Steve Johnson, Pat Riley, David Quiring, Tom Moore, Vicky Carlson, Dorothy Beeles, Arthur Reese* & Mark Housman
Diaconate: Terry LeRud*, Melissa Peabody, Andrea Alonzo, Sue Simpson, Ginny Quiring, Mark Fry, Carolyn Bustamante, Claralene Ray**, Sandra King, Lisa Reese*, Tim Hickcox, Carla Klink, Bill McDaniel, Karen Murray, & Martha Redford.
Members at Large of Church Board: Sandra King, Jeanette Sanchez-Izenmen, Joseph Mills & Karen Murray
Newly Elected Incoming 2022 Officers:
Executive Officers: Jeanette Sanchez-Izenman
Trustees: Vicky Carlson, Thomas Mills, & Gary Bosley
Elders: Sandra King, Brittany Wooten, Karen Murray, Gloria Utley, & Betty Alvarado
Diaconate: Ruan Murphy, Corrine Bahrke, Kathie Call & Susan McCook-Lamore
Members at Large of Church Board: Andrea Alonso, Karen Murray, Lee Utley, & Ruan Murphy
Nominating Committee: Norma Carolyn (chair), Gary Bosely, Joyce Tober, Tom Moore, David Quiring, Carla Klink, Doug Collins
Thanks be to God!
Pastor Doug
*Moved out of area
** Passed away