Dear friends,
As you read this, I am enjoying some time with nature on the Oregon Coast, grateful for the opportunity to take some sabbath.
I am breathing in the ocean air,
slowing down a little and noticing the rhythm of the waves.
Listening to the sound of winter birds overhead,
giving my heart the space to slow down for a moment and simply be.
I wonder, what helps you to slow down and rest from the labors of every day life? If you have something in mind, how does it make you feel when you do it regularly? Being nature is one of the ways I care for my soul - it's a place where I feel connected to all of the life God has made, not at the center, but as a part of the greater whole.
I know... life is busy. There are always more chores to get done, bills to pay, kids to feed, appointments to keep, the list goes on and on... so let me extend the question to you that our God has ingeniously been asking God's people from he very beginning: are you remembering the sabbath?
This Sunday in worship, I am delighted to share that our own Roger Davidson will be sharing stories from his travels to the homes of composers of some of our favorite hymns, interspersed with our wonderful musicians' leading of the singing of many of those classic hymn favorites.
This week, I invite you to join me in holding in prayer those among our concerns, including:
Those among our community and around the world recovering from COVID-19, including Cassie Tripp's mother, Josie Cabaong-Chung
Kathie Call and her son, Michael Call
Mel Peabody's partner, Bear
The Alvarado Family
Please also remember our homebound friends in your prayers:
Helen Bosley
Elaine Jonson
Harry and Margaret Lobberegt
Mereidene Moore
Jane Nelson
Verena Reese
Jim and Kay Thompson
We lift up Sandy Johnson and family on the death Monday night of friend to many at FCC Tacoma, Carl Johnson.
Among our local and global community concerns:
We pray for increased civic engagement as Pierce County undergoes an election with several issues that pertain to the just treatment and dignity of our houseless neighbors in particular.
For the Village on 6th and Orchard, for all who live there, have lived there, work, volunteer, and/or give in all kinds of other ways vto support this important cause. We also pray for the courage to continue working and advocating for substantive change from the bottom up, so that all people are given the dignity and love in life that God so calls us provide for one another.
For Global Ministry partners doing climate justice advocacy, helping to provide medical support to those who are often underserved in rural areas, and much more and in Indonesia.
Loving God, help us find the quiet center in the crowded life we lead. Amen.
Pastor Doug