Among our joys,
Justin Carlson will begin his journey westward very soon! Please keep him in your prayers and get excited to meet him and hear him preach next Sunday!
$1,729 towards our $4,221 - give online at fcctacoma.org/give with the memo line "Intern."
We are in need of a vacuum cleaner and a new full size mattress. If you're interested in donating funds for either of these items, please contact me after worship.
Among our concerns, we pray for:
Laura Riccholt
Phyllis Jacobson
Mary Morford's daughter, Rachel
We lift Mel, her wife, Bear
Martha's friends with health complications, Teresa and Margo
For all our homebound friends, for Harry and Margaret Lobberegt, Helen Bosley, Marylu and Joseph Mills and Jane Nelson.
Among our local and global community concerns:
We pray for the friends and family of the 2,000 victims and counting of the recent earthquake the devastated Marrakech. We pray for this community as they continue to search for survivors, care for the wounded, and recover from this massive natural disaster.
We lift up those in harm's way due to political unrest and the warring ways of humans, in Niger, Afghanistan, Ukraine, North Korea, Bangladesh, and many more.
We lift up those recovering from Hurricane Idahlia, and for those preparing for Hurricane Lee.
We also pray for the community living here on 6th and Orchard at the Tiny House Village. We ask for God's comfort and peace to fill the spirits of all those who find themselves alone or without the fuel they need for this day, and for God to continue to awake those of us with resources and time to share to use what we have to healing of our community in every sense of the word.
We lift up our Global Ministries partners, this week, in India.
If you'd like to share a prayer joy or concern, please contact Pastor Doug at doug@fcctacoma.org or by calling the church office. Please indicate whether your prayer is to be shared publicly, or if you'd like it to be kept private.