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This week's community joys & concerns from March 24, 2024

Writer's picture: FCC TacomaFCC Tacoma

Among our Joys:

  • The Tacoma Joint Youth Group retreat at the end of April on Vashon Island is approaching! The deadline to register is April 10th. Please let Doug or myself know as soon as possible if a youth you know might like to come. 

  • We lift up a welcome to our new Regional Minister, Rev. Paul Allen, who officially began his ministry with us on Monday. Please keep in your prayers Paul and all the staff and leaders of the Northern Lights Region as we begin this exciting new chapter of ministry.

  • We also lift to God this community, each of us, during this holy week, as Lent comes to a close. We have been and will continue to reflect on the barriers that keep us apart from God and one another. We pray that through self-examination and study, we learn to repent - to change so that those barriers may fade away. Our lenten book study has its final meetings tomorrow. 

  • This morning, our shouts of Hosanna - Save us - have moved us into Holy Week. There will be numerous opportunities to gather this week. On Thursday, we will have Maundy Thursday meditations with communion at 11 am and 6 pm. On Good Friday, we will hold vigil with Disciples around the globe and other Christians. Signups for vigil slots are on the table in the narthex.

  • And then, Sunday morning, we will gather on Dune Peninsula at 6:20 am, to welcome the sunrise at 6:50. Then, our Easter service here at 11 am, followed by brunch and the easter egg hunt. Today is the last day to sign up to bring food for brunch, and is also the last day for candy drop off! 

  • Easter brunch food signup will be in narthex or you can contact Cassie at   

In our community:

There were three deaths in our community this week. 


  • Margaret Cook, beloved partner of Stephen Johnson, died unexpectedly on Thursday. We lift to God her entire family including Stephen, Margaret's younger sister, and her daughters, Melanie and DeeAnn. 

  • On Thursday, Pastor Doug went to be with John Hight, his wife, Rachel, and their two daughters at Tacoma General where they prayed for his mother, Jermaine "Jeri" Ramsdell, who died peacefully on Friday, surrounded by loving family. We lift the Hight family, all the friends and loved ones of Jeri.

  • Rev. Chris Morton, Regional Minister in Nebraska, died unexpectedly Monday. Chris was an active member of this community during his time in Tacoma working with Associated Ministries. Before that time, Chris was a longtime member of my home church, FCC Minneapolis, where his children Luc and Amy and I grew up together, and where their mother, Kathy, is still a member. We lift up Chris’s partner Julie, his children Luc and Amy, and all others in his family.

  • And so, we pray especially for Margaret, for Jeri, and for Chris, who now rest in the comfort and peace of God.

We pray for:

  • Danny Jablonski

  • Misty Hahn-Zwosta

  • Marc Master

  • Dan Leadbetter

  • Alex Tapia

  • Corrine Bahrke's friend, Loralie

  • Martha Redford's friends, Margo and Teresa

  • For all our homebound friends, including Harry and Margaret Lobberegt, Helen Bosley, Marylu and Joseph Mills and Jane Nelson.

Among our local and global community,

  • Those in harm's way in Gaza, Ukraine, and many other places around the world in the midst of genocide, conflict, and strife

  • Victims of this week’s terrorist attack in Moscow.

  • We lift up the village on 6th and Orchard

  • We pray for the dignity of all fleeing violence. Jesus, who himself was a refugee in Egypt, calls us to love our neighbors as ourselves. God’s realm transcends human borders. We pray for peace, for the breaking down of barriers, for the melting of weapons, and for the building of true community among all the peoples of the world.

  • We lift up our Global Ministries partners in Cuba 

If you'd like to share a prayer joy or concern, please contact Pastor Doug at or by calling the church office. Please indicate whether your prayer is to be shared publicly, or if you'd like it to be kept private.


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(253) 752-7734

602 North Orchard 

Tacoma, WA 98406 (MAP)


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