We add to our prayers:
Sue Simpson and Betty Alvarado, both as they await medical test results
Kathy Francis, friend of Betty Alvarado who was in a serious motorcycle accident this week
Martha Redford's sister-in-law Gail and her husband, Bill, who were in a head-on car accident this week. We are grateful that though their car was totaled, they retained only some scrapes and bruises.
We add to our prayers the family and loved ones of Joyce Knagg, a beloved friend of the community who passed away this week. Click here to read her obituary:
We pray for Norma Carolyn and her whole family on the death of Norma's sister, Marilyn Beuchaw.
Among our concerns, we pray for:
Alex Tapia
Mel Peabody, her partner, Bear and their family
Mary Morford's daughter, Rachel and her family
Laura Cohthril
Dawn Fredricks' daughter, Holly
Corrine Bahrke's friend, Loralie
Martha Redford's friends, Margo and Teresa
For all our homebound friends, for Harry and Margaret Lobberegt, Helen Bosley, Marylu and Joseph Mills and Jane Nelson.
Among our local and global community,
We continue to lift up the whole community of Tacoma, most especially the family and loved ones of Manny Ellis, as the trial for his murder in June of 2020 at the hands of three Tacoma Police Department officers continues. We pray for those for whom this trial conjures up grief and pain that is still fresh, and the layers of historical pain to which it points as we grapple with the many ways our system of justice and law enforcement is steeped in white supremacy.
As of Friday morning, October 13, more than 400,000 people in Gaza have already been displaced as a result of Israel’s bombing campaign and military offensive, which Israel’s war cabinet has said will “wipe Hamas off the earth” and Netanyahu has promised will “reverberate for generations.”
As a congregation affiliated with our denomination's global ministries partners, Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP), to stand in the "G.A.P." - to Give, to Act, and to Pray.
You can Give to a variety of organizations there on the ground providing relief to refugees and those who are most vulnerable such as Doctors Without Borders (donate.doctorswithoutorders.org) or ANERA, a group addresses the development and relief needs of refugees and others hurt by conflicts in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon and Jordan.
You can ACT: by signing up to receive regular emergency Action Items to ask our representatives to act swiftly and with compassion as the conflict intensifies.
You can Pray - The last QR code on the poster is to the Prayers4Peace Blog, a blog that is updated regularly with specific prayer requests for groups and individuals in the region who are currently in harm's way.
We pray for the community on 6th and Orchard, and for the network of agencies providing resources to our neighbors who find themselves without shelter, food, medical care, and other essential services. We give God thanks for the blessing of these partnerships, and we continue to lift up all those who remain in need.
If you'd like to share a prayer joy or concern, please contact Pastor Doug at doug@fcctacoma.org or by calling the church office. Please indicate whether your prayer is to be shared publicly, or if you'd like it to be kept private.