Among our joys:
We lift a prayer of gratitude for a successful event hosted here at FCC in partnership with Associated Ministries this past Thursday in which several local agencies charged with resourcing the needs of our unhoused neighbors hosted booths and connected with those seeking assistance. There were many hands that helped make this event possible, including several volunteers from our congregation. We’re grateful for the connections this event made possible, and for the shared work we have in advocating for what Jesus calls the ‘least among us.’
As many of you know, we were blessed to be able to give a sizeable donation to our denominational partners charged with providing emergency aid to those affected by natural disasters know as Week of Compassion. We were invited to consider converting our donation into a named endowment and become a “Circle of Compassion” congregation, meaning that our gifts will continue to help those in need for years and years to come, whenever and wherever it is most needed. Our Board voted unanimously at our last meeting to join to become a Circle of Compassion congregation and it is thanks to the generosity of many of you that we were able to make this possible. We lift up with joy this announcement, and the legacy of sustained support the First Christian Church of Tacoma Endowment Fund will continue to provide to those in need for years to come!
Lastly, we lift a prayer of gratitude for Pastor Doug’s time of sabbath this past week, and for the lay leaders and staff who have stepped in this week to provide support during his time away. We’re grateful to Rev. Kara Markell for sharing her gift of preaching with us this morning and look forward to her sharing of the Word today!
Among our concerns:
Bill Poores
Dan Ledbetter
Dorothy Beeles
Laura Cohthril
Danny Jablonski
Charlene Housman
Sue Simpson's friend, Misty
Karen Murray's friend, Nancy
Corrine's friend, Loralie
Martha's friends, Margo and Teresa, Cheryl and Ron and Martha's nephew
Our homebound friends
Harry and Margaret Lobberegt
Helen Bosley
Marylu and Joseph Mills
Jane Nelson
Anastasia Cox and her daughter, Lela Cox
Among our local and global community:
We pray for peace throughout the world. For an end to violence in all its forms, including those perpetuated in the guise of national interest. We pray for Palestine and Gaza, for those intwined in war in Lebanon, Sudan, Yemen, for Ukraine, Russia, for those in conflict fighting for justice in Bangladesh, for Afghanistan, Somalia, and in many more places around the world.
We pray for the village on 6th and Orchard, and for those who find themselves without shelter.
We pray for our Global Ministry partners, this week, in the Philippines.
If you'd like to share a prayer joy or concern, please contact Pastor Doug at doug@fcctacoma.org or by calling the church office. Please indicate whether your prayer is to be shared publicly, or if you'd like it to be kept private.