Let us enter a time of prayer, pausing to speak with God, to name and celebrate our joys, to elevate those people, circumstances, and communities in need of strength and healing, and to boldly ask God for direction.
Among our Joys:
While we are indeed grateful every Sunday for his gifts and leadership, we lift our gratitude this day especially for our minister of music, Ben Smith. We also lift up Plum and Sam who are taking some sabbath time this morning. Our community is truly blessed.
We are also grateful for Pastor Doug’s time of retreat in Chicago with the Bethany Fellows group this past week. He will return in time for in-person Bible study this Thursday at 10am!
And on this Mot
her’s Day, we thank God for and give a special blessing to all the mothers and mother-figures in our lives. We equally lift up all for whom this day is difficult. For those grieving, for those wandering, for those relationships still in need of repair and healing. All are welcome to join us for a lunch reception immediately following worship in honor of this day.
Among our Concerns, we pray for:
Savannah Alvarado, Betty Alvarado's granddaughter
Steve Johnson
Charlene Housman
Marylu Mills
Daniel Davis, friend of Susan Pearson
Rachel Morford, daughter of Mary Morford
For our homebound friends, Helen Bosley, Elaine Jonson, Harry and Margaret Lobberegt, Jane Nelson, Mereidene Moore and Jim and Kay Thompson
Among our local and global community prayer concerns:
We continue to pray for those in harm's way in Ukraine, and for peace to prevail in the midst of conflict and oppression as it rears its ugly head around the world. We pray also for those facing ongoing violence and oppression in nations around the world, including Yemen, Afghanistan, Palestine, Ethiopia, and Syria. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayers.
For the Village on 6th and Orchard, for all who live there, have lived there, work, volunteer, and/or give in all kinds of other ways to support this important cause. We also pray for the courage to continue working and advocating for substantive change from the bottom up, so that all people are given the dignity and love in life that God so calls us provide for one another.
For our Global Ministry partners in Lesotho.