A Word of Welcome
from Pastor Doug
Dear friends,
I'm so delighted you're here! Let me be the first to welcome you to FCC Tacoma and thank you for taking interest in learning more about who we are and what we do. Whether you've never darkened the door of a church or have been a part of a local congregation your whole life, my hope is that you will find here a genuine sense of belonging; a place where no matter who you are, what you believe (or don't believe) or where you're from, you will know that your perspectives, skills, interests and passions are important and serve an essential role. Folx often ask me, "What kind of church are you?" What I love about the tradition of which we are a part (learn more) is that there are no prerequisites for being considered a part of the community. We are non-creedal, meaning we embrace difference of opinion, theology, and belief. While we may not always agree on the specifics, we believe that embracing our differences is an expression of the rich diversity of God's people. One of our founders' favorite slogans was "No creed but Christ." We're not perfect, but we try to live into our mission as a congregation to be the hands and feet of Christ in the world - and to have some fun along the way, too! You are always welcome to join us for worship, or to get involved in whatever way you may see fit.
Welcome again to FCC Tacoma. If you have any questions or simply want to learn more, I'd love to meet for a cup of coffee or perhaps a chat on the phone! Feel free to email me at doug@fcctacoma.org or give me a ring at 253-752-7734.
With joy,

Rev. Doug Collins
Senior Minister